What We Do

We Help Brands Thrive

We are in the business of helping brands thrive, by getting them closer to how people think, feel and behave. We find our clients the answers they need to make decisions with confidence, and draw on our experience to help guide direction.

We pride ourselves on great thinking and rigour to design programs that will create the datapoints to inform insights and strategy. Once we know what we need to execute, we take pride in moving with speed and agility, getting to the answers quickly. We keep you informed throughout. And we deliver clear, concise insights in whatever form works best – be that a traditional report, through to podcasts or animations.

Our Core Services

Our Services

Below you’ll find a selection of the common techniques / areas we explore, but there’s plenty more that doesn’t fit so neatly into a bucket. Feel free to reach out with your marketing or consumer problem, we’d love to help.

Brand health, positioning, personality

Your brand is your greatest asset. Understanding how your brand performs against competitors, the impact of communications, and where to direct efforts is vital. From once-off to ongoing tracking, from top-down whole of market to nuanced occasion-led, we have vast experience in tracking.


While Ozzy Osbourne and Prince Charles may both be princes, of the same age, nationality, marital status and wealth, the two couldn’t be more different. Similarly, it’s important to understand your market segments the right way. We can help with segmentations of all kinds: attitudinal, behavioural, need, occasion or demographic

Advertising / communications / campaign evaluation

How you communicate your brand, product/service and proposition is critical.

Understand how consumers are working with your creative, identify opportunities for enhancement, and make your dollar go further.

Proposition / product development

Whether it’s new or refining an existing offer, we can help ensure it lands well with your customer.

Clear direction on how the proposition is likely to land with consumers, and where opportunities may lie to drive greater resonance.

Territory testing / CVP / EVP development

Get closer to what consumers or employees are thinking and feeling, and gauge reaction to new ideas.

Confidence in how to progress, areas to dial up, and how to tailor messages to key audiences to maximise your market reach.

Market exploration (trends, sizing, scope, gaps)

No brand exists in a bubble, and markets seldom change. It’s always worth taking a step back to view the wider market dynamics, trends, and opportunities.

Understand your market, emerging trends and opportunities.

Usage and Attitude (U&A) studies

These assets can provide value for years to come, providing rich understanding of the who, what, where, when and why of brand interaction, and identify opportunities for improvement.

Understand your market, emerging trends and opportunities.

Additional Services

Satisfaction and Net Promoter Score (NPS)

It’s important to understand your customer’s experience. We can help with Satisfaction studies, NPS, Effort, etc., as well as models to understand the drivers thereof and where to focus efforts.

Concept Screening, Refinement

This includes concept-screeners of several hundred concepts to identify top priorities to progress, through to refining a new launcah’s packaging, produce, price, range and promotions.

Pack Design Testing, Redesigns, Shelf Simulations

From packaging refreshes to new product launches, we can help understand response and impact on market share. 

Messaging and Claims Testing (Including MaxDiff)

Understand what messages / features / benefits / claims to market to which audiences to maximise market coverage.

Price Optimisation

Getting pricing right is critical: too low and your is devalued, it’s a race to the bottom, and sales are left on the table; too high and you minimise your market and miss out on sales. Whether it’s Gabor Granger or Van Westendorp, A/B testing or other techniques, we can help inform pricing strategy.

Product, Pack, Pricing Architecture

Advanced analytics techniques to identify the right product range, pack design, and pricing strategies to maximise sales. Whether it’s a consumer good, or designing a service proposition like an insurance bundle, we can help.

Distinctive Brand Assets (DBA)

Understand how your distinctive assets are in the category (logos, colours, graphics, packaging, sounds, taglines, music, etc.), for both your brand and competitors.

Inputs to Thought Leadership / PR

Thought-leadership and PR is a fine-line between robust and defensible data and provocation. We’ve run dozens of thought-leadership and PR studies in a range of industries.

Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) and Category Entry Points

Identify the gaps in the market and how to compete in a more nuanced way.

Neuroscience Techniques

Get a deeper view on behaviour, from eye-tracking to facial coding, GSR to implicit association and everything inbetween.


We’d love to chat.

Whether it’s a brief, a tricky business challenge you’re not sure how to tackle,

or to discuss insights more broadly, reach out today.

Let’s Talk